Place yourself in the shoes of a teacher, where passion and caring for youth are the reason for your profession.Now, imagine one of your students, only 3 years of age, has just been diagnosed with Diabetes.How do you make sure that student stays safe under your care?How would you know when he is simply an overly tired toddler versus when he is suffering from dangerously low blood sugar?
The director at a private church preschool contacted us asking for assistance for this same scenario.The staff had no training on how to manage diabetes and did not know where to turn.An accreditation contact recommended Better Health.The director stated that the staff were all "scared to death" because of the lack of knowledge and wanted to be prepared to take care of the child.
Better Health is the longest running free diabetes education resource of its kind in our county.Patti, our Health Education Coordinator and Registered Nurse, made an appointment to come out the very same week to work with the preschool staff.She took all the necessary supplies and spent ample time giving an overview of diabetes, common symptoms and how to care for the young boy.She used oranges to teach them to dial up the insulin pen and inject medication, and allowed practice by checking her own blood glucose.The staff were so grateful and stated that they felt relieved to have the training and felt more confident in their own abilities to care for the young boy.
Because of your caring and support, Better Health was able to respond to the call for help quickly, efficiently and with the highest level of professionalism.But, there is still work to be done, more help to give and more lives to preserve, just as we were able to do for this young boy.Can you help by making pledging to support Better Health with $60 a month or an amount of your choosing? It's easy to set up recurring donations!